Hi, I’m Cristina and I’m here to share the practices and wisdom traditions that helped me find joy and freedom in my life.

Like many of you, I’ve lived through the waves of loss and the fires of change and I came to realize on this journey of life that our strength is birthed from our suffering.

For most of my life, I lived in a prison of my own making. I’ve questioned and denied the reality of who I was, always looking for a way out - either through work, distractions, relationships, or all at once.

For years, I sacrificed authentic happiness and love for the approval of others and the illusion of comfort. But a day came when I could no longer betray myself. I began to realize that working so hard to live within the expectations of society, family and the ‘shoulds’ in my head had to end.

I’m endlessly grateful to my grandmother, a simple and wise Romanian woman with the fierce spirit of a dragon, who taught by example the values of compassion and devotion as my very first spiritual teacher. She guided my first steps in life and showed me how beautiful life can be when man and nature coexist in peace.

I grew up wandering through forests and bathing in cold mountain lakes, watching wild horses, foxes and bears walking freely around our house. They showed me what a gift it is to be able to appreciate each day as it comes, and enjoy the simple life. These are moments that I will always hold close to my heart and come back to them when life gets rough.

The sudden death of my mother during my first year at uni was the catalyst of my initial spiritual awakening. As I attempted to make sense of her death, I started to question everything I have ever known and traveled further and further away looking for answers.

In a silent meditation on top of a sacred mountain in Rishikesh, I received my soul’s guidance loud and clear, “follow your heart, no matter what it takes, no matter what it breaks.” The fires of change were here. I had to leave my comfort zone behind even if it meant losing everything I knew. It was in those still and silent moments on the meditation cushion where I reclaimed my life. Beyond the prescribed roles and conditioned beliefs, I began to feel that wild, free, spirited self that was no longer whispering but screaming for liberation.

I came back to Berlin and within a couple of months I quit my office job, I became a mother, and I have created SHE Mom Series ~ a holistic postnatal program helping new moms heal and regain vitality after birth and support them on the Path of Motherhood. (read more about the program here)

I invite you to walk alongside me on this path of ultimate freedom, boundless love and authentic happiness.

I’ll guide you one step, one breath at a time.

Hari Om Tat Sat

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Images & Video by Andreea Dican